
Let your heart sing
A new CD of songs, created in the Buddhafield of Osho, inspired by the people who sing with me on Corfu. Simple songs, easy to sing, for everyone who loves to sing, with beautiful harmonies, about love for life, meditativeness, about the beauty of life and existence. The beautiful guitar playing is by Dutch guitarist Devapath, (Hein van Riel) and is a perfect balance to the singing. 

Price: € 18 exc. Porto.
Link: Lyrics and guitar chords
Buy: contact
Digital download: narayani.bandcamp.com
Listen: http://www.abysis.net/nara/1Betotalwhateveryoudosample.mp3

The Power from Within
I made this CD in 2001. It is a mixture of many styles with love, the path of inner Growth and Spirituality at it's core. All set on contemporary music, some with a Fusion of East and West.

Here's a taste

Cherish a small and tender lovesong.

Existence a song composed by Miten, about love for life and the spiritual journey.

Price: € 15
Buy: contact



Chains for reading glasses

Made by Sikkhi
those who have been to Pune, India, might know Sikkhi. A lovely Tibetan woman who has her little shop near German Bakery. The idea for these chains came from a dear friend of mine Jwala James. I had sikkhi make these chains for me, at a time she was having a difficult time to survive. Prices differ with the stones and the amount of silver used. 

Cornelian, silver and pearl

Cornelian, silver and pearl


Turqoois and silver - € 40

Turqoois and silver - € 40


Citrine, garnet and silver

Citrine, garnet and silver


Garnet, turqoois and Silver - € 50

Garnet, turqoois and Silver - € 50

Buy: contact